00:50:56:00:00:00 - 00:50:56:3F:FF:FF
for x in {0..63};do for y in {0..255};do for z in {0..255};do printf “00:50:56:%02X:%02X:%02X,” $x $y $z;done;done;done >> GuysMacs.txt
if it doesnt work try this one ( %02X; instead of %02X, )
for x in {0..63};do for y in {0..255};do for z in {0..255};do printf “00:50:56:%02X:%02X:%02X;” $x $y $z;done;done;done >> GuysMacs.txt
It generates a text file called GuysMacs.txt with all of the mac addresses in scope.
it’s a 74 Megabyte textfile. roughly 4,2 million mac-addresses
If you want a copy of this file get in contact with me...
You can open this file in Excel - but only versions that support .xlsx
Thank you Mr Bjorn Fredriksson
find all the static macs on a vCenter with powercli - thanks to someone on internet who i stole this from - sorry can't reference you...forgotten already !
Get-VM | Where-Object {($_ | Get-NetworkAdapter).ExtensionData.AddressType -eq "manual"} | ` Select-Object -Property Name, PowerState, @{"Name"="MAC";"Expression"={($_ | Get-NetworkAdapter).MacAddress}}
From VMware KB219 and this link below:
You can set a static MAC address using the VMware OUI prefix by adding the following line to a virtual machine‘s configuration file:
ethernet<number>.address = 00:50:56:XX:YY:ZZ
In the example, <number> refers to the number of the Ethernet adapter, XX is a valid hexadecimal number between 00 and 3F, and YY and ZZ are valid hexadecimal numbers between 00 and FF. The value for XX cannot be greater than 3F to avoid conflict with MAC addresses that are generated by the VMware Workstation and VMware Server products. The maximum value for a manually generated MAC address is shown in the sample.
ethernet<number>.address = 00:50:56:3F:FF:FFhttp://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-51/topic/com.vmware.vsphere.networking.doc/GUID-F9243FED-F081-498F-B4A9-EF950292AF77.html
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